加拿大-limewave-2.5刀/月 測評貓不膩

LimeWave是一傢老牌加拿大主機商,成立於2010年,至今已經10幾年瞭,經營的產品很單一,機房全部位於加拿大。特色是資源給的很充足,因此性能很高,性價比也不錯。主要提供KVM VPS(AS36369, Castlegar, B.C. Canada)
1vCpu1G ram15GB disk space500GB data1000Mbit/s測試IP:×2.5$/月
Node Name Upload Speed Download Speed Latency
Speedtest.net 892.54 Mbps 882.75 Mbps 24.81 ms
Shanghai CT 211.83 Mbps 477.44 Mbps 178.75 ms
Shanghai CU 168.86 Mbps 469.70 Mbps 226.57 ms
Guangzhou CU 172.95 Mbps 229.79 Mbps 207.64 ms
Shenzhen CU 156.78 Mbps 406.52 Mbps 229.54 ms
Hongkong CN 188.58 Mbps 576.13 Mbps 173.75 ms
Singapore SG 169.15 Mbps 659.95 Mbps 203.03 ms
** 正在測試IPv4解鎖情況
HBO Now: No
Bahamut Anime: No
Abema.TV: Yes
Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan: Yes
BiliBili China Mainland Only: No
BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan: No
Bilibili Taiwan Only: No
Netflix: Yes(Region: CA)
YouTube Region: No
DisneyPlus: Yes
Steam Currency: CAD
** 正在測試IPv6解鎖情況
HBO Now: Failed (Network Connection)

Bahamut Anime: Failed (Network Connection)
Abema.TV: Failed (Network Connection)
Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan: Failed (Network Connection)
BBC: Failed (Network Connection)
BiliBili China Mainland Only: Failed (Network Connection)
BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan: Failed (Network Connection)
Bilibili Taiwan Only: Failed (Network Connection)
Netflix: Failed (Network Connection)
YouTube Region: CA
DisneyPlus: Yes
Steam Currency: Failed (Network Connection)

Info] 測試路由 到 上海電信(天翼雲) 中 …
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.82 ms * LAN Address
2 *
3 wowrack.com ( 52.25 ms * United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
4 88-244-216.wowrack.net ( 23.65 ms AS23033 United States, Washington, Seattle, wowrack.com
5 sea-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 18.81 ms AS1299 United States, Washington, Seattle, telia.com
6 sjo-b23-link.ip.twelve99.net ( 41.10 ms AS1299 United States, California, San Jose, telia.com
7 40.84 ms AS4134 United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaTelecom
8 167.30 ms AS4134 China, ChinaTelecom
9 167.95 ms AS4134 China, ChinaTelecom
10 *

[Info] 測試路由 到 上海電信(天翼雲) 完成 !
[Info] 測試路由 到 上海電信CN2 中 …
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.82 ms * LAN Address
2 *
3 100ge14-2.core1.sea1.he.net ( 17.95 ms * United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
4 100ge11-2.core1.tyo1.he.net ( 99.72 ms AS6939 Japan, Tokyo, he.net
5 100ge11-1.core1.sin1.he.net ( 165.66 ms AS6939 Singapore, he.net
6 chinatelecomglobal-as4809.sgix ( 166.62 ms * Singapore, sgix.sg
7 230.50 ms * China, ChinaTelecom
8 *
9 229.56 ms * China, ChinaTelecom
10 214.16 ms AS4812 China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
11 237.10 ms AS4812 China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom

[Info] 測試路由 到 上海電信CN2 完成 !
[Info] 測試路由 到 浙江杭州聯通 中 …
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.53 ms * LAN Address
2 *
3 100ge14-2.core1.sea1.he.net ( 18.11 ms * United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
4 100ge11-1.core1.sjc2.he.net ( 37.27 ms AS6939 United States, California, San Jose, he.net
5 china169-backbone-as4837.10gigabitethernet10-9.core1.sjc2.he.net ( 41.20 ms AS6939 United States, California, San Jose, he.net
6 176.25 ms AS4837 China, ChinaUnicom
7 168.84 ms AS4837 China, ChinaUnicom
8 185.67 ms AS4837 China, ChinaUnicom
9 180.37 ms AS4837 China, ChinaUnicom
10 195.73 ms AS4837 China, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, ChinaUnicom

[Info] 測試路由 到 浙江杭州聯通 完成 !
[Info] 測試路由 到 廣州移動 中 …
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.51 ms * LAN Address
2 *
3 100ge14-2.core1.sea1.he.net ( 18.28 ms * United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
4 six.chinamobile.com ( 45.40 ms * United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
5 37.12 ms AS58453 China, ChinaMobile
6 255.57 ms AS58453 China, ChinaMobile
7 182.46 ms AS9808 China, ChinaMobile
8 191.08 ms AS9808 China, ChinaMobile
9 206.32 ms AS9808 China, ChinaMobile
10 202.51 ms AS9808 China, ChinaMobile
11 *
12 *
13 *
14 *
15 425.56 ms AS56040 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile

[Info] 測試路由 到 廣州移動 完成 !
[Info] 測試路由 到 北京教育網 中 …
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.57 ms * LAN Address
2 *
3 100ge14-2.core1.sea1.he.net ( 18.56 ms * United States, Washington, Seattle, seattleix.net
4 100ge11-2.core1.tyo1.he.net ( 100.45 ms AS6939 Japan, Tokyo, he.net
5 100ge10-2.core1.hkg1.he.net ( 149.13 ms AS6939 China, Hong Kong, he.net
6 multidata1-10g.hkix.net ( 146.06 ms * China, Hong Kong, hkix.net
7 183.31 ms AS4538 China, CHINAEDU
8 *
9 187.81 ms AS4538 China, CHINAEDU
10 188.77 ms AS4538 China, CHINAEDU
11 184.58 ms AS4538 China, CHINAEDU
12 *

[Info] 測試路由 到 北京教育網 完成 !

使用日本機或者是美國cn2gia中轉速度更好,加拿大原生IP,解鎖的流媒體蠻多,機器資源性能充足,給兩個IP(同段)。商傢接入maxmind 欺詐系統,掛代理購買可能會導致訂單fraud。
KVM1GTR21 GB RAM15 GB SSD1 vCPU E5-2620 or better1 TB Data Transfer2 IPv4 AddressesCastlegar, BC, Canada 訂購鏈接
LemonBench Server Test Tookit 20201005 Intl BetaVersion (C)iLemonrain. All Rights Reserved.

[Info] Bench Start Time: 2021-06-13 00:32:38
[Info] Test Mode: Fast Mode

-> System Information

OS Release: Debian GNU/Linux “Stretch” 9.4 (x86_64)
CPU Model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 0 @ 2.50GHz 2.49 GHz
CPU Cache Size: 15360 KB
CPU Number: 1 vCPU
Virt Type: KVM
Memory Usage: 524.49 MB / 996.45 MB
Swap Usage: [ No Swapfile/Swap Partition ]
Boot Device: /dev/vda1
Disk Usage: 1.60 GB / 15.46 GB
CPU Usage: 1.2% used, 0.0% iowait, 0.7% steal
Load (1/5/15min): 1.11 0.79 0.73
Uptime: 24 Days, 6 Hours, 3 Minutes, 43 Seconds
Kernel Version: 4.9.0-4-amd64
Network CC Method: bbr + fq

-> Network Infomation

IPV4 – IP Address: [CA]
IPV4 – ASN Info: AS36369 (LIMEWAVE – Limewave Communications, CA)
IPV4 – Region: Canada British Columbia Castlegar
IPV6 – IP Address: [CA] 2602:fe69:a3b::1
IPV6 – ASN Info: AS36369 (LIMEWAVE – Limewave Communications, CA)
IPV6 – Region: Canada Canada

-> Media Unlock Test

HBO Now: No
Bahamut Anime: No
Abema.TV: Yes
Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan: Yes
BiliBili China Mainland Only: No
BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan: No
Bilibili Taiwan Only: No

-> CPU Performance Test (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)

1 Thread Test: 303 Scores

-> Memory Performance Test (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)

1 Thread – Read Test : 6104.40 MB/s
1 Thread – Write Test: 4891.87 MB/s

-> Disk Speed Test (4K Block/1M Block, Direct Mode)

Test Name Write Speed Read Speed
100MB-4K Block 29.4 MB/s (7188 IOPS, 3.56s) 35.1 MB/s (8576 IOPS, 2.99s)
1GB-1M Block 582 MB/s (555 IOPS, 1.80s) 560 MB/s (533 IOPS, 1.87s)

-> Speedtest.net Network Speed Test

Node Name Upload Speed Download Speed Ping Latency Server Name
Speedtest Default 31.31 MB/s 0.96 MB/s 56.45 ms Columbia Basin Broadband Corp. (Canada Trail, BC)
China, Beijing CU Fail: Timeout Exceeded after 60 seconds
China, Shanghai CT 22.69 MB/s 65.96 MB/s 179.62 ms China Telecom (China Shanghai)
China, Hangzhou CM Fail: Host resolve failed: Timeout occurred in connect.


本文永久链接: https://www.xiaosb.com/beian/50827/